Fresh Produce

☘️ All our produce is either Certified Organic or Organically Grown – visible below product names.

Whats Growing ... Whats Slowing

🍋‍🟩 Try our Native Finger Limes add a pop of zingy citrus caviar to your avo / meats / salads! grown by Girralong Grove Farm in Bowraville.

🍋 Lemons are all a little green skinned at the moment, but nice and juicy inside.

🍊 Local Orange skins are not pretty this time of year, but still lush inside!💦

🍑 Yellow Nectarines are back.

🌸 Sugar plums are here! Easily the favourite of plum varieties.

🥕 Carrots, potatoes, tomatoes & sweet potatoes are in short supply which is driving up the prices. 

🌿 Celery is very short and price is outrageous so we are not listing it.

🥒 Green cucumbers are back from Autarky Organic Farm.

🍅 Roma tomatoes in this week.

❤️ Django & Sarah

Some Pics of our Recent Boxes

Organic Apples, Home delivery, fresh produce

Apples – Fuji

McMahon Organics ACO#4552A - Stanthorpe, QLD
Jam packed with fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and only a small amount of calories. Great fibre & Protein.

Details $11.95 kg

Organic Apples, home Delivery, local

Apples – Gala

McMahon Organics ACO#4552A - Stanthorpe, QLD
Sweet, firm & crisp. Low in calories and rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C. You know what they say - an apple a day!

Details $11.95 kg

Certified Organic, Local, Fresh Produce, Coffs Harbour, Mid North Coast

Apples – Granny Smith

McMahon Organics ACO#4552A - Stanthorpe, QLD
Apples are an excellent source of fibre and vitamin C, but are also high in water content — which can help you stay full, not to mention hydrated.

Details $11.95 kg

Pink Lady Apples, Certified Organic, Local delivery, Coffs Harbour, Fresh produce

Apples – Pink Lady

McMahon Organics ACO#4552A - Stanthorpe, QLD
Crunchy and sweet, the queen of all apples!! Pink Lady apples, developed in Australia, are cherished for their crisp texture and sweet-tart flavour. These apples are rich in vitamins A and C, fibre, and antioxidants, promoting heart health and aiding digestion.

Details $11.95 kg

Organic Produce Sawtell, Home Delivery Groceries Coffs Harbour

Apples – Juicing

McMahon Organics ACO#4552A - Stanthorpe, QLD
Perfect for juice. Still mostly nice for eating, just a few marks or bruises.

Details $8.50 kg

Certified Organic, Avocadoes, Local Home Delivery, Coffs Harbour

Avocados – Shephard (Smalls)

Red Plateau Organics SX#20051 - Mooral Creek, NSW (North of Taree)
Good for your heart in every way. Anti-oxident, high in folate, fibre, Vitamin E & C.

Details $3.95 each

Organic Bananas, Coffs Coast, Home Delivery

Bananas – Cavendish

Enviro Fresh Organics ACO#10297A - Innisfail, QLD
High in potassium and low sodium, contain fibre, magnesium and vitamins C and B6. Great for your heart and overall energy levels - eat straight or use in smoothies, cakes, on top of your morning cereal - bananas really are the ultimate fruit!

Details $6.95 kg

Corindi, Local, Organic, Blueberries, antioxidants

Blueberries – 125gm Punnet

Hampton Blue Organics SX#23048 - Hampton, QLD
Sweet, juicy, and bursting with flavour, these organic blueberries are grown without chemicals for a natural and delicious treat. Perfect for snacking or chuck a few in yoghurt.

Details $9.95 125g punnet

organic, fresh produce, home delivery, food, grocery store

Dates – Medjool

Dafa Imports #SCCO23020 Balwyn Victoria
The perfect alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners when you need that extra little boost! Packed full of vitamins and minerals, Dates are know to improve cholesterol levels in the body and are also to used to treat constipation and help prevent heart disease. Grown in Israel.

Details $36.00 kg


Grapes – Menindee Seedless

P & H Kamvissis Organics OFC#0534 - Mildura, Victoria
Certified Organic. Crisp, sweet & refreshing, low GI makes for a great source of long-lasting energy.  The glucose and fructose in grapes are 'good' sugars which provide a great natural source of energy.

Details $9.50 kg

Certified Organic, grapes, fruit & Veg, Coffs Harbour, Bellingen

Grapes – Ralli Red Seedless

Sunview Organic Vineyards NASAA#3164 - Mildura, Victoria
Certified Organic. So sweet, juicy and easy to eat - stems and all! Powerful anti-oxidant, also good source of vitamin-C, vitamin A, vitamin K, carotenes, B-complex vitamins such as pyridoxine, riboflavin, and thiamin.

Details $13.50 kg


Lemons – Eureka

Boruca Organic Farm NASAA#4161A - Cooktown, QLD
Very rich in vitamin C and also provide potassium and folic acid. A lemon foot bath will stimulate blood circulation, support our warmth body and promote gentle cleansing and healing. They are perfect to use during transitions and times of change or when you feel a bit overwhelmed or have a lot going on. Children can especially benefit from lemon footbaths when they have picked up too much from the environment or after busy days out and about. The healing qualities of lemon will help ground them and restore balance and harmony. The feet are particularly absorbent skin surface and have a long history of being used to administering medicines. Foot baths can help to bring the energy down from the head into the feet and induce calm and balance. Kitchen Tip: The ascorbic acid in lemons can be used to prevent the discoloring of the flesh of fruits and vegetables that oxidize when exposed to the air. Rub the cut surfaces of low acid fruits and vegetables—such as bananas, peaches and avocadoes– with lemon juice to delay oxidation and darkening.

Details $18.00 kg


Lemons – Meyer (Green Skin but Juicy Inside)

Boruca Organic Farm NASAA#4161A - Cooktown, QLD
Meyer lemons, originally from China and brought to the U.S. in the early 20th century, are cherished for their sweeter, less acidic flavour compared to regular lemons. These citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and fibre, supporting immune health and digestion. Use them in fresh juices, salad dressings, desserts, or as a zesty addition to your dishes – Meyer lemons are a versatile and flavourful fruit! A squeeze in your morning glass of water is said to aid digestion.

Details $18.00 kg


Finger Limes

Girralong Farm (Organically Grown) - Bowraville NSW
Native. The caviar of the fruit world! If you haven't tried them before you're in for a treat. Cut open and scoop out the flesh - eat straight, sprinkle over avocados, salads, goes great with anything oily.. or squeeze into your favourite beer!

Details $48.00 kg

Organic, Local, Citrus, Thora Valley, Bellingen, Delivery


Johnny's Garden - Duranbah NSW
Abundant locally, limes are beloved for their tart and tangy flavour. Originating from Southeast Asia, these citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and fibre, promoting immune health and digestion. Perfect for adding a refreshing twist to your dishes, limes are essential in making mojitos, as well as enhancing salads, desserts, and marinades. Enjoy the vibrant zest of limes in your favourite recipes!

Details $12.00 kg


Oranges – Valencia – Marked skins but nice inside

Doraville Organics NASAA#2409 - Moorland (Near Taree), NSW
Juicing grade (marks but great inside). Valued for their high juice content, Valencia oranges are great sweet eating, usually thin-skinned and have few seeds. They are considered one of the best oranges for juicing.

Details $5.50 kg

Organic Fruit Home delivery

Nectarines – Yellow

Ken Lester Organics ACO#3143 - Victoria
Wonderfully delicious! High in Vitamins A,C,E & K, High in Fibre, Potassium and bioactive compounds, which means they are great for your metabolism.

Details $25.00 kg


Pears – Williams

McMahon Organics ACO#4552A - Stanthorpe, QLD
Biodynamic and Certified Organic. So sweet and delicious!

Details $12.00 kg


Pears – Packham

McMahon Organics ACO#4552A - Stanthorpe, QLD

Packham pears are a juicy, sweet flavoured and smooth textured pear. Rich in dietary fibre, vitamin C, and antioxidants, these pears support digestive health and boost the immune system. Enjoy them fresh, poached, baked, or added to salads and desserts.

Details $13.00 kg


Plums – Sugar Plums

Brooke Kelly Organics ACO#13458 - Young NSW
Certified Organic. Golden flesh, sweet skinned - an incredible fruit full of natures sweet goodness - Yum!!

Details $24.00 kg


Watermelon – Red

Bauer Organic Farm ACO#4151A - Lockyer Valley, QLD
Fresh watermelon with seeds. Perfect healthy refreshment! Vibrant red flesh, deliciously sweet flavour, a classic family favourite.

Details Original price was: $5.50.Current price is: $4.95. per kg.


Beans – French Green

Homegrown Organics (Organically Grown) - Near Port Macquarie - Upper Rollands Plains, NSW
One of our favourite dishes which frequently visits the dinner table is sesame green beans. So simple and quick to prepare and the juicy crunch of al-dente beans, salted and tossed though olive oil and toasted sesame seeds is one of life's beautifully simple pleasures. Try it out!

Details $29.00 kg


Beans – Flat Green

Autarky Organic Farm SX#24053 - Bowraville, NSW
Use just like regular beans. One of our favourite dishes which frequently visits the dinner table is sesame green beans. So simple and quick to prepare and the juicy crunch of al-dente beans, salted and tossed though olive oil and toasted sesame seeds is one of life's beautifully simple pleasures. Try it out!

Details $19.00 kg



Bauer Organic Farm ACO#4151A - Lockyer Valley, QLD
Roasted, grated, boiled, pickled, blitz - beets are one of our kitchens' staples and we rarely enjoy a meal without a little of this wonderfully colourful, sweet and juicy vegetable on the table. Exceptional nutritional value; especially the greens, which are rich in calcium, iron and vitamins A and C. Beetroots are an excellent source of folic acid and a very good source of fibre, manganese and potassium.

Details $6.65 kg

Local, Organic Veggies, Sustainable Agriculture, Home Delivery, Coffs Harbour, Sawtell, Woolgoolga, Bellingen

Broccoli Head – (Approx. 300g)

Kurrawong Organics OFC#0460A - Kirkconnell, NSW
One of the most nutritious vegetables, and the most popular at Bello Box! Broccoli contains vitamins A and E, folate, calcium and iron. It has a higher vitamin C content than oranges!

Details $5.50 each

Local, Organic Veggies, Sustainable Agriculture, Home Delivery, Coffs Harbour, Sawtell, Woolgoolga, Bellingen

Cabbage – Green – Medium

Mt Whitestone Organics Dem#651 - Lockyer Valley, QLD
Beautiful flavour and crunch - perfect for soups, salads or stir fry.. Super nutritious, very low in fat and calories - a little cabbage goes a long way!!

Details $12.50 each


Capsicum – Red Bullhorn

Homegrown Organics (Organically Grown) - Near Port Macquarie - Upper Rollands Plains, NSW
High in vitamin C, these little babies are are great addition to a salad or stir fry, or when sliced make the perfect ring for our morning fried egg. The red variety is also rich in beta carotene which the body converts to vitamin A.  Vitamin A is important for healthy skin, boosts the immune system, and aids vision. Technically speaking, a capsicum is classified as a fruit - but as foodies, we like to group it together with other savoury delights, so here we are choosing to classify it as a vegetable - we hope you don't mind :)

Details $28.00 kg


Carrots – Small

Biofarms ACO#12641 - Tassie
Naturally sweet, delicious and crunchy, and perfect kids size snacking carrots for lunchboxes! Full of Vitamin A and anti-oxidants. In summer we love them grated with a little apple cider vinegar, pink salt and black sesame seeds - so fresh and juicy!

Details $9.95 kg


Carrots – Medium

Biofarms ACO#12641 - Tassie
Naturally sweet, delicious and crunchy, carrots are full of Vitamin A and anti-oxidants. In summer we love them grated with a little apple cider vinegar, pink salt and black sesame seeds - so fresh and juicy!

Details $9.95 kg


Carrots – Juicing

Bauer Organic Farm ACO#4151A - Lockyer Valley, QLD
Perfectly imperfect carrots for eating, juicing or carrot cake :)

Details $3.95 kg


Chinese Veg – Bok Choy

Andrew Jones (Organically Grown) - Hyland View Farm, North Dorrigo
Crisp stalk and leaves, with flavour between a mild cabbage and spinach. Great addition to a stir-fry, or can be served a beautifully nutritious side dish.

Details $5.50 Bunch


Chinese Veg – Choy Sum

Andrew Jones (Organically Grown) - Hyland View Farm, North Dorrigo
Crisp stalk and leaves, with flavour between a mild cabbage and spinach. Great addition to a stir-fry, or can be served a beautifully nutritious side dish.

Details $5.50 Bunch

Local, Organic, Biodynamic, Dorrigo, Urunga, Nambucca, Macksville, Scotts head, Home delivery

Chinese Veg – Pak Choy

Homegrown Organics (Organically Grown) - Near Port Macquarie - Upper Rollands Plains, NSW
Crisp stalk and leaves, with flavour between a mild cabbage and spinach. Great addition to a stir-fry, or can be served a beautifully nutritious side dish.

Details $5.95 Bunch

Sustainable, Organic, local, spray free, fresh produce, Macksville, Nambucca, Dorrigo, Urunga

Corn – Sweet

Homegrown Organics (Organically Grown) - Near Port Macquarie - Upper Rollands Plains, NSW
A classic staple in our kitchen. Simmer for 6 mins and serve with a shaving of organic butter and a pinch of pink salt - hard to beat! Also makes great fritters; or shave the kernels over a fresh salad, with a balsamic vinaigrette.

Details $3.60 each

Local, Organic, Biodynamic, Dorrigo, Urunga, Nambucca, Macksville, Scotts head, Home delivery

Cucumber – Lebanese

Dain Mavin Organics SX#21019 - Corindi, NSW
Lebanese cucumbers are a favourite in our kitchen - a great healthy snack for the kids, and perfect to dip into fresh hummus or tzatziki. 96% water, the silica in cucumber is an essential component of healthy connective tissue, which includes muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bone. Makes for a super healthy morning or afternoon juice.

Details $12.00 kg


Cucumber – White Russian – Large

Homegrown Organics (Organically Grown) - Near Port Macquarie - Upper Rollands Plains, NSW
Pale, tender skin and a unique flavour.
White-skinned cucumbers may sound like a weird novelty, but once you’ve tried this cucumber variety, you’ll love it. The thin skins don’t have to be removed and have no bitter aftertaste, and the crispy flesh has a fresh flavour with a hint of apple.

Details $6.50 kg


Cucumber – Green

Autarky Organic Farm SX#24053 - Bowraville, NSW
Cucumbers are a favourite in our kitchen - a great healthy snack for the kids, and perfect to dip into fresh hummus or babaganoush. 96% water, the silica in cucumber is an essential component of healthy connective tissue, which includes muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bone. Makes for a super healthy morning or afternoon juice.

Details $12.00 kg

Sustainable, Organic, local, spray free, fresh produce, Macksville, Nambucca, Dorrigo, Urunga

Eggplant – Each (Medium 300-450gm)

Homegrown Organics (Organically Grown) - Near Port Macquarie - Upper Rollands Plains, NSW
Mostly used in our kitchen as the base for Babaghanoush, this beauty is also great sliced & seared on the BBQ, or baked Japanese style with miso and sesame. Makes for a great pickle too!

Details $4.95 each

Sustainable, Organic, local, spray free, fresh produce, Macksville, Nambucca, Dorrigo, Urunga

Eggplant – Each (Large 450-600gm)

Homegrown Organics (Organically Grown) - Near Port Macquarie - Upper Rollands Plains, NSW
Mostly used in our kitchen as the base for Babaghanoush, this beauty is also great sliced & seared on the BBQ, or baked Japanese style with miso and sesame. Makes for a great pickle too!

Details $6.95 each

Organic Local Produce

Eggplant – Asian

Autarky Organic Farm SX#24053 - Bowraville, NSW

Mostly used in our kitchen as the base for Babaganoush, this beauty is also great sliced & seared on the BBQ, or baked Japanese style with miso and sesame. Makes for a great pickle too!

Details $12.00 kg

Sustainable, Organic, local, spray free, fresh produce, Macksville, Nambucca, Dorrigo, Urunga

Fennel Bulb

Galea Organics AQ#610056 - Cranebrook, NSW
Excellent source of vitamin C, magnesium, iron and fibre. Shaved fennel, fresh lemon and parmesan salad is one of our all time favourites. Also beautiful poached with caramelised tamari and mirin..

Details $5.60 each


Garlic – Purple / White

Keller Organics ACO#12256 - Lockyer Valley, QLD
One our regions primary crops, garlic is universally recognised as a potent medicinal plant, most commonly used to prevent and reduce the severity of the flu and common cold. Low in calories and very rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Manganese. High doses of garlic appear to improve blood pressure and contains antioxidants that protect against cell damage and ageing.

Details $45.00 kg

Sustainable, Organic, local, spray free, fresh produce, Macksville, Nambucca, Dorrigo, Urunga

Garlic – Russian – Loose Cloves

Jeff Smithers (Organically Grown) - Glenreagh, NSW
Certified Organic. Local! One our regions primary crops, garlic is universally recognised as a potent medicinal plant, most commonly used to prevent and reduce the severity of the flu and common cold. Low in calories and very rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Manganese. High doses of garlic appear to improve blood pressure and contains antioxidants that protect against cell damage and ageing.

Details $44.00 kg


Garlic – Russian – Whole Bulbs

Jeff Smithers (Organically Grown) - Glenreagh, NSW
Local! One our regions primary crops, garlic is universally recognised as a potent medicinal plant, most commonly used to prevent and reduce the severity of the flu and common cold. Low in calories and very rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Manganese. High doses of garlic appear to improve blood pressure and contains antioxidants that protect against cell damage and ageing.

Details $39.00 kg

Sustainable, Organic, local, spray free, fresh produce, Macksville, Nambucca, Dorrigo, Urunga


Autarky Organic Farm SX#24053 - Bowraville, NSW
Ginger is one of the healthiest (and most delicious) spices on the planet and lucky for us it is one of the primary crops grown in our region. Loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds that have powerful benefits for your mind & body, including ginger as a regular staple in your diet will go a long way toward ensuring long lasting health.

Details $38.00 kg

Local fresh produce

Mushrooms – Button

Mushboom (Organically Grown) - Nagambie Victoria
Meat for Vegetarians! Rich in Vitamin D and Vitamin B and containing minerals such as phosphorous, sodium and trace amounts of potassium. Also contain minimal amounts of calcium, iron and protein.  *this is a Non-Certified Organic Product

Details $29.00 kg


Onions – Brown

Giardino Organics SX#22038 - South West NSW
Onions are foundation of most meals in our cuisine. Not only to they add their distinctive flavour and aroma to our dishes, they are also full of medicinal qualities that can be attributed to their widespread use across the world. High in vitamin C and a good source of fibre, onions are sodium, fat, and cholesterol free and provide a number of other key nutrients. Has been for ages recognised as a powerful anti-imflammatory.

Details $7.75 kg

Sustainable, Organic, local, spray free, fresh produce, Macksville, Nambucca, Dorrigo, Urunga

Onions – Red Spanish

Mt Whitestone Organics Dem#651 - Lockyer Valley, QLD
Subtle flavour make these beauties a winner in salads & wraps, or as a base for a simple cheese & kalamata omelette. We often keep a jar of red onion soaking in vinegar (and sometimes chilli), for a great all round condiment. Plenty of vitamins and minerals, including folate, thiamine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese and vitamins C, K and B-6.

Details $9.95 kg

Sustainable, Organic, local, spray free, fresh produce, Macksville, Nambucca, Dorrigo, Urunga

Spring Onions

Andrew Jones (Organically Grown) - Hyland View Farm, North Dorrigo
Fresh picked spring onions. Use in stir fry or salads.

Details $6.50 Bunch


Potatoes – Desiree

Black Crow Organics ACO#10706A - Lockyer Valley, QLD
Full of flavour! The perfect choice for Potato Salad. They make gorgeous mash or are equally delicious boiled, roasted, baked or pureed.

Details $6.95 kg

Sustainable, Organic, local, spray free, fresh produce, Macksville, Nambucca, Dorrigo, Urunga

Potatoes – Dutch Cream

Bauer Organic Farm ACO#4151A - Lockyer Valley, QLD
Our most popular spud. A large waxy oval potato with yellow flesh, thin skin and a rich, buttery taste. They make gorgeous mash or are equally delicious boiled, roasted, baked or pureed.

Details $6.95 kg


Potatoes – Kipfler

Biofarms ACO#12641 - Tassie
Washed and ready to use. The BEST roasted potato ever. Par boil them first, then toss in garlic, salt and rosemary and pop in the oven till golden brown and crispy...

Details $10.50 kg


Potatoes – Dutch Cream Chats (Small!)

Black Crow Organics ACO#10706A - Lockyer Valley, QLD
Small spuds great for boiling whole, baking, chips or salads.

Details $5.95 kg

Sustainable, Organic, local, spray free, fresh produce, Macksville, Nambucca, Dorrigo, Urunga

Pumpkin – Butternut

Mt Whitestone Organics Dem#651 - Lockyer Valley, QLD
Beautifully sweet and creamy, great for caramelising in the oven..

Details $3.95 kg

Sustainable, Organic, local, spray free, fresh produce, Macksville, Nambucca, Dorrigo, Urunga

Pumpkin – Jap (Kent)

Mt Whitestone Organics Dem#651 - Lockyer Valley, QLD
A hardy, fast growing vine that is one of the most widely cultivated foods on the planet. Very low in calories, no saturated fats or cholesterol & rich in dietary fiber, anti-oxidants, minerals, & vitamins. Makes an awesome dip when roasted & blended with yoghurt, fresh chilli and tarragon.

Details Original price was: $4.50.Current price is: $3.95. kg


Radish – Daikon (May be broken to get weight)

Biofarms ACO#12641 - Tassie
Organic. White fleshed radish that has a very mild taste and is very low in calories. Used as a base for the classic Korean condiment 'Kim Chi'.

Details $10.95 kg

Sustainable, Organic, local, spray free, fresh produce, Macksville, Nambucca, Dorrigo, Urunga

Sweet Potatoes – Gold (Smaller Sizes)

Oaklands Organic Farming ACO#11396 - Atherton Tablelands, QLD
Makes awesome chips! Nutrient-packed. Roast, steam, chuck in soups and casseroles. Vibrant colour and delicious flavour.

Details $9.95 kg


Tomatoes – Romas

Vasilios & Flora Drakoulis Organic Farm ACO#12150 - SA
Beautiful flavour, colour and POP! A less acidic option to round tomatoes. Try adding them to a warming lentil soup for an extra special burst of flavour.

Details $18.00 kg


Tomatoes – Red Cherry Toms – 250g bag

Homegrown Organics (Organically Grown) - Near Port Macquarie - Upper Rollands Plains, NSW
Sweet, juicy, and bursting with flavour, these organic delights are perfect for snacking, salads, or roasting. A popular heirloom variety of cherry tomatoes with a larger size, known for their exceptional taste, vigorous growth, and high yield.

Details $7.50 250g bag

Sustainable, Organic, local, spray free, fresh produce, Macksville, Nambucca, Dorrigo, Urunga

Zucchini – Medium

Homegrown Organics (Organically Grown) - Near Port Macquarie - Upper Rollands Plains, NSW
We are inclined towards a fresh zucchini fritter or two, and may or may not be famous for our fresh lemon zucchini side dish. Zucchinis are a staple food that grow well in our region. A great source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, potassium and phosphorus.

Details $12.80 kg

Leafy Greens, Salad & Herbs

Herb – Basil

Autarky Organic Farm SX#24053 - Bowraville, NSW
Perfect for home made pesto or a fresh salad with bufallo mozzarella and heirloom tomatoes.. So simple and divine!

Details $5.95 bunch


Herb – Fresh Bay Leaves

Hangyalosi Farm (Organically Grown) - Dorrigo NSW
Fresh bay leaves, known for their aromatic fragrance, are perfect for adding flavour to soups, stews and sauces. Originating from the Mediterranean region, these leaves are rich in vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, and antioxidants, supporting immune health and promoting digestion. Just a few leaves can elevate the flavour profile of your culinary creations!

Details $3.95 bunch

Sustainable, Organic, local, spray free, fresh produce, Macksville, Nambucca, Dorrigo, Urunga

Herb – Chives

Andrew Jones (Organically Grown) - Hyland View Farm, North Dorrigo
Crisp and Fresh flavour, for salads, soups, sauces & stews. Beautiful aroma of winter in the kitchen!!

Details $4.95 bunch


Herb – Coriander

Homegrown Organics (Organically Grown) - Near Port Macquarie - Upper Rollands Plains, NSW
Probably the most widely used herbs across the planet - and not just because of it's distinctive flavour! Low in calories, no cholesterol. High in folic-acid, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin-A, beta carotene, vitamin-C, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, and magnesium  Known as a treatment for a wide array of health issues such as skin inflammation, cholesterol, blood pressure, diarrhea, allergies, digestion, diabetes.

Details $5.50 bunch


Herb – Parsley – Flat Leaf

Andrew Jones (Organically Grown) - Hyland View Farm, North Dorrigo
Highly nutritious herb, known for it's medicinal use against cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. Acts as a pain reliever and has anti-inflammatory properties. Also provides relief from indigestion, stomach cramps, bloating, nausea and helps in strengthening the immune system. Use in cooking or fresh in smoothies or salads. Makes a classic dip when blitz with garlic, olive oil, yogurt, lemon, salt and pepper.

Details $5.95 bunch


Kale – Cavalo Nero (Tuscan)

Andrew Jones (Organically Grown) - Hyland View Farm, North Dorrigo
Crowned as one of the worlds healthiest foods, packed with high levels of vitamins, minerals, and brain-boosting phytonutrients.

Details $6.95 bunch


Lettuce – Cos

Homegrown Organics (Organically Grown) - Near Port Macquarie - Upper Rollands Plains, NSW
Crisp and fresh - the classic. We'll always remember Ceasar Salad growing up - the crunch of the lettuce and the heavenly creamy/salty blend of mustard, whisked egg, pepper and anchovy..Divine!

Details $5.95 each


Lettuce – Mini Cos

Andrew Jones (Organically Grown) - Hyland View Farm, North Dorrigo
Crisp and fresh - the classic. We'll always remember Ceasar Salad growing up - the crunch of the lettuce and the heavenly creamy/salty blend of mustard, whisked egg, pepper and anchovy..Divine!

Details $4.50 each


Lettuce – Red Oak

Homegrown Organics (Organically Grown) - Near Port Macquarie - Upper Rollands Plains, NSW
With elegant, serrated but tender red leaves, red oak lettuce is a vibrant addition to any salad. Perfect for fresh salads, sandwiches, and wraps.

Details $5.95 each


Salad Mix

Homegrown Organics (Organically Grown) - Near Port Macquarie - Upper Rollands Plains, NSW
Mix of assorted young salad leaves. Get creative with your dressings and here you have the perfect foundation for a variety of leafy green salad combinations, or the perfect accompaniment to any dish. A great source of Omega 3's, Beta-carotene, vitamin C and fibre, to support a healthy immune system. Provides anti oxidant properties and the bitter herbs such as rocket support liver detoxification. Include a beautiful fresh salad in your every day diet routine and your half way to good health!

Details $39.00 kg


Spinach – Baby

Coolibah Organics ACO#10974A - Pearcedale, Victoria
Dark green leafy vegetable packed with beneficial nutrients that have enormous health benefits.  Spinach is an excellent source of iron, calcium, chlorophyll, beta carotene (needed for the production of vitamin A), vitamin C, riboflavin, sodium and potassium. Great food for the vegetarian.

Details $39.00 kg
