Honey & Sweeteners

Showing 1–18 of 21 results

    Coconut Sugar

    My Organics (Trumps) - Brisbane QLD
    Certified Organic. Raw Coconut Sugar. A rich and sweet taste with a depth of flavour you don't get with raw sugar. It has a unique golden colour with a crystalised texture, suitable for a range of cooking applications. This organic sugar has a rich toffee-like flavour makes it great for hot beverages, baking and desserts. You can use coconut sugar as an alternative to your typical white or raw sugar.

    Details $10.95 500g


    Rapadura (Panela) Sugar – 500g

    Organic Mountain
    Certified Organic. Non-GMO. Unrefined & Chemical Free. Delicious for coffee because of its caramelised taste. Ideal for baking. Rapadura sugar, also known as Panela or whole cane sugar, is an unrefined sugar made by evaporating sugarcane juice without removing the molasses content. It retains more natural nutrients and has a crumbly texture with a caramel-like flavor. It's considered a healthier alternative to refined sugars, with vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, and potassium. It has a lower glycemic index, making it a slower and sustained blood sugar level riser. Rapadura sugar is used as a sweetener in various dishes, desserts, and beverages, and can be grated, crushed, or dissolved. It provides a less processed option but should be consumed moderately as part of a balanced diet.

    Details $8.95 500g
