Jimmys Milk (Organically Produced) - Huntingdon (near Port Macquarie) NSW

Jimmy Eggert has started a micro-dairy on his family’s organic farm near Wauchope, with eight Jersey cows named Molly, Rhi, Pong, Lisa, Jetty, Syme, Oxhill, and Rosie. After completing his HSC last year, Jimmy decided to continue the organic farming journey initiated by his parents, Chris and Ann, on their dairy farm.
The Eggert family’s historic farm supplies organic milk to Norco and produces organic eggs, beef, and free-range pork and chicken. They also own a separate former dairy farm at Huntingdon, which now serves as the base for Jimmy’s Jersey herd and Hastings Riverlands milk. The milk is produced, processed, and bottled in a small factory that was once the farm’s dairy.
Although the milk isn’t certified organic, Jimmy ensures that no artificial fertilizers, GMOs, or pesticides are used in its production, aligning with the farm’s organic certification. “The milk is full cream and minimally pasteurised. It’s about as close as you can get to raw milk. It’s pure, and because it’s from Jersey cows, it’s high in fat and protein,” Jimmy explained. With some help from his dad, Jimmy is using the same organic and sustainable farming practices as those on the home farm.
Looking to the future, Jimmy aims to grow the business by increasing the Jersey herd to 20 cows by April or May. His mother, Ann, shared that the idea of adding a micro-dairy began about five years ago, inspired by the direct relationships they developed with customers buying their eggs and meat.
“Chris has always wanted to give it a try, but things were busy on the farm, and farmgate milk prices started to improve. We made a few changes to the old walk-through dairy, but the real progress began 12 months ago when we replaced the milking machines and transformed the back part of the dairy into a small factory, complete with a batch pasteuriser that can handle 250 litres,” Ann said.
Ann also mentioned that Jimmy’s enthusiasm reignited their goal of producing, processing, bottling, and marketing their own milk. “It’s a totally separate micro-dairy business from the home farm. Jimmy is running it all himself, doing all the marketing and visiting shops and cafes to offer samples. He has proposed many ideas, including making haloumi and exploring yogurt production. There’s nothing like running your own business project to get a real-life education,” she added.
Milk – Full Cream – 2L
Jimmys Milk (Organically Produced) - Huntingdon (near Port Macquarie) NSW
Details $8.50 2 Litres